Remember James Carville’s famous slogan for the Clinton campaign—“it’s the economy, stupid”? It was meant to remind staffers to always stay on message, and the message was the economy. With that single issue, Clinton won the election.
Today it’s massive Federal debt, and the yearly deficit topping a Trillion dollars. The bigger problem? The official numbers don’t tell the real story:
While the official number — $13.4 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office — is frightening enough, some analysts say the actual figure is much, much higher. Like a shopaholic who hides their credit card bills, the government pretends certain obligations and expenditures don’t exist. Uncle Sam really owes closer to $60 trillion, or more, and the country is close to bankruptcy.
“The government is lying about the amount of debt,” says Laurence Kotlikoff, an economist at Boston University and co-author of “The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America’s Economic Future.” “It is engaging in Enron accounting.”
The issue finally gets some traction as people slowly begin to comprehend the massive amount of debt the Federal government obligated their children to pay—and continues to ring up Trillions more in stimulus, new entitlements, and pork spending.
To put it in perspective, the current administration touts their deficit reduction plans, but it could take a decade before the yearly deficit gets back to President Bush levels! Of course, President Bush wasn’t known for spending frugally, running up large amounts of wasteful spending himself; instead of acting responsibly, the current administration doubles down on spending, taking irresponsibility to stunning new heights.
Worse, the official reports don’t provide a complete picture. Remember the “Federal surplus” of a few years ago? No such surplus ever existed, a fact easily (but tediously) verifiable from US Treasury reports.
Your mission (should you decide to accept it—and you should) is two-fold:
- Learn the deceptions, and understand the truth.
- Share the truth with others. Many won’t want accept the truth, but keep trying. Provide them with facts and encourage truth-deniers to verify it for themselves.
Interested in the truth but don’t want to take days to do the research yourself? We’ve done the boring homework for you — just read our article Myth of the Surplus for complete details, containing links to all the government reports and analysis of what they’re not telling you (our article even has a PDF version nicely formatted with all the charts and graphs. See the previous link). We do the work so you don’t have to.
Then move on to another area where government reporting has been… ummm … less than accurate (actually, they admit they made it up). Interested? Read Truth-lie: Myth of the Stimulus.
It may be a cliche, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out reckless spending is unsustainable and a recipe for disaster. Yet is it incompetence or actually the desired outcome? Find out about the Cloward and Piven Strategy; the audacity of deception will take your breath away.
The government reports on the deficit and debt are scary enough; the truth is much worse, and Washington doesn’t seem to care as they spend our children’s money, and their children’s, and theirs…
You must accept the mission (did Jim Phelps of Mission Impossible ever refuse?), quite literally the future of the Republic is at risk. What will you leave your children? If you don’t have kids, remember Paul reminds us it is required of stewards that they be faithful — you’re a steward of the Republic, and your country needs you — you can make a difference.
Will you answer the call?