Well, as it turns out, you can.
While visiting some friends, I managed to stay on a horse for 10 minutes or so without falling off (a real horse, not the one in front of Walmart).
That’s a big deal.
I’m not so afraid of horses — I’ve always been an animal lover — but I don’t like looking stupid. With little knowledge of horses, that was highly probable.
I’m much happier working on Quantum Mechanics, sparring a black-belt in Taekwondo, or fixing a complicated computer network than going eye to eye with a large animal.
I’d guess most people feel the same. Nobody likes to look foolish.
That’s the problem. We spend so much time trying to look good, on Sunday when asked how we’re doing we instantly transform into Tony the Tiger — everything is grrrrrrrreat!
Hypocrite might be a better term. The Greek means an actor, or someone wearing a mask.
Are you a hypocrite on Sunday? You are if you’re playing Tony the Tiger.
On occasion I’ve called people out on it. It’s brutal, but you have to (kindly) call them a liar to their face.
We use “how you doing” as a conversation starter, similar to what’s the weather tomorrow, instead of a sincere inquiry.
That needs to change on both sides.
The person asking shouldn’t be asking if they don’t really want to know, and the person responding should do the courtesy of not lying to their face.
This doesn’t mean you can (or should) spill your guts every time. It’s okay to say I don’t want (or can’t) talk about it right now.
But at least be honest. I’m hurting. Life stinks.
As I wrote on the back cover of the book:
A terrible disease infects many Christians by believing life is easy and God grants everyone (with enough faith, that is) a Lexus, ice cream, and a pony. When life gets tough people hide the pain and frustration created by the paradox of what they think the Christian life should be—versus the reality they experience—by transforming into Tony the Tiger, where everything is grrrrreat! But everyone needs help sometimes.
A simple, but difficult, cure comes from a stiff shot of reality — God is not a genie granting wishes, life is hard, and you may not get a pony. If you’re not resting, it’s time to take a good look at the letter to the Hebrews, as Paul provides warning after warning about the minefield you must pass through. Paul motivates the troops to not abandon what they know to be true, and stay in the game, even when (not if) adversity strikes.
When tough times come, you’ll look down in your toolbox and discover either many tools to fight with, or a mocking echo from the empty box, because at 3am you’ve got what you’ve got.
… And it’s 2:59am.
How often have you seen a horse with a bright pink cast? If you don’t know the story, grab the free download and find out.
I wouldn’t believe the first three pages of the book if I didn’t know the people involved. It makes Job look like he won the lottery.
If you’re having problems, a study of Paul’s letter to the Hebrews (also known as Stay in the Game) is in order. So in the spirit of anti-hypocrisy, I’m going to try the horse thing again (maybe this time at Walmart — just kidding Lindsey).
- I’ll probably not know what I’m doing.
- I’ll probably look foolish.
- I’ll make sure no YouTube video can surface.
But (as Peggy reminds me), if I’m going to teach something, I’d better be living it as well.
Crap. I hate it when she reminds me of that.
So I’m off to get a pair of boots — I’m told it makes you look better while being dragged behind the horse after falling off.
Hopefully I won’t find out if that pearl of wisdom is true.