

The Key to Prophecy

Daniel Cover

People became familiar with Daniel’s book from Daniel and the lion’s den, as well as the famous seventy weeks prophecy. Yet Daniel’s book contains more than Sunday School flannel-board stories and the key to all prophecy as Paul reminds us whatsoever things were written in earlier times were written for our learning.

During trials of life, why not use the textbook Daniel provides during the exam and avail yourself of the lessons Daniel provides. After all, when your number’s up, read the handwriting on the wall so you won’t be thrown to the lions.

Apple Books

Barnes and Noble



ISBN 978-0983111764

Daniel (Paperback)


Daniel Cover

People became familiar with Daniel’s book from Daniel and the lion’s den, as well as the famous seventy weeks prophecy. Yet Daniel’s book contains more than Sunday School flannel-board stories and the key to all prophecy as Paul reminds us whatsoever things were written in earlier times were written for our learning.

During trials of life, why not use the textbook Daniel provides during the exam and avail yourself of the lessons Daniel provides. After all, when your number’s up, read the handwriting on the wall so you won’t be thrown to the lions.

Barnes and Noble

ISBN 978-0983111788

1 Corinthians

The Troubled Church

1Corinthians Cover

As you examine the often messed-up church remember problems in the church aren’t new — they began early in church history. John the apostle in Revelation noted the state of the early church in chapters 2 and 3. Instead of learning from the past and correcting its errors, churches often invent new methods of division, ruin its witness, and generally present a poor image of Christ. If you’ve wondered why and how the church focuses on everything but ministry, then Paul’s letter to the Corinthians reminds you you’re not alone — the church experienced divisions and lost focus in the first century; Paul’s words remain as valuable today for the modern church as they did for the Corinthians.

Apple Books

Barnes and Noble


ISBN 978-0983111771

1 Corinthians (Paperback)


1 Corinthians Cover

As you examine the often messed-up church remember problems in the church aren’t new — they began early in church history. John the apostle in Revelation noted the state of the early church in chapters 2 and 3. Instead of learning from the past and correcting its errors, churches often invent new methods of division, ruin its witness, and generally present a poor image of Christ. If you’ve wondered why and how the church focuses on everything but ministry, then Paul’s letter to the Corinthians reminds you you’re not alone — the church experienced divisions and lost focus in the first century; Paul’s words remain as valuable today for the modern church as they did for the Corinthians.

Barnes and Noble

ISBN 978-0983111795


Stay in the Game, but You Still Don’t Get a Pony

Hebrews Cover

A terrible disease infects Christians from believing life is easy and God grants everyone a Lexus, ice cream, and a pony. When life gets tough people hide pain and frustration created by the paradox of what they think the Christian life should be—versus the reality they experience—by transforming into Tony the Tiger, where everything is grrrrreat!

When tough times come, you’ll look down in your toolbox and discover either many tools to fight with, or a mocking echo from the empty box, because at 3 AM you’ve got what you’ve got.

… and it’s 2:59 AM.

Apple Books

Barnes and Noble



ISBN 978-0983111757

Hebrews (Paperback)


Hebrews Cover

A terrible disease infects Christians from believing life is easy and God grants everyone a Lexus, ice cream, and a pony. When life gets tough people hide pain and frustration created by the paradox of what they think the Christian life should be—versus the reality they experience—by transforming into Tony the Tiger, where everything is grrrrreat!

When tough times come, you’ll look down in your toolbox and discover either many tools to fight with, or a mocking echo from the empty box, because at 3 AM you’ve got what you’ve got.

… and it’s 2:59 AM.

Barnes and Noble

ISBN 979-8988965015


Get Back in the Game

Zechariah Cover

When trials arrive, it's a myth you'll rise to the occasion, rather you'll sink to your level of preparation; preparedness arises only from continual training. Israel faced a similar situation. After one captivity a few decided to return to the Holy Land to build the temple. As enemies launched their attack, the builders withered, gave up, and quit. The battle's too hard, we're tired, let someone else do it, it's not the right time, rationalizing their excuses for failing to stay the course. Christians encounter equivalent situations today, requiring the identical solution proposed to Israel as Zechariah and Haggai appear around the same time to urge the people to rejoin the battle, providing real-world advice remaining useful today.

Apple Books

Barnes and Noble


ISBN 979-8988965039

Zechariah (Paperback)


Zechariah Cover

When trials arrive, it's a myth you'll rise to the occasion, rather you'll sink to your level of preparation; preparedness arises only from continual training. Israel faced a similar situation. After one captivity a few decided to return to the Holy Land to build the temple. As enemies launched their attack, the builders withered, gave up, and quit. The battle's too hard, we're tired, let someone else do it, it's not the right time, rationalizing their excuses for failing to stay the course. Christians encounter equivalent situations today, requiring the identical solution proposed to Israel as Zechariah and Haggai appear around the same time to urge the people to rejoin the battle, providing real-world advice remaining useful today.

Barnes and Noble

ISBN 979-8988965022

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